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Life Game Change Summit
There are so many things to get aware of… Our speakers have all been carefully chosen because they really have something unique to say about change. Not climate change. Inner change. By the way, if humans really want to address climate change, it all start inside the many of us. Making peace and converge to harmony and truth : is it really that difficult? It looks like, given the human nature. Is everyone thinking he owns the solution and that the others are just silly? There might be something like that which make it difficulty for huamans to converge on simple essentials goals which would pay off for everyone.

Life is something too serious to be organized by humans. Let’s have the computer take care of it. Or? Perhaps it is time to rethink relationships among humans, work, money, children making… you know… selfishness and collective conscience, or the way to put yourself in the shoes of others… I mean : all of them.
Main Point 2
Change? There is no choice, in fact about the fact that everything changes all the time, including ourselves… But there is some choices in the decisions we can make… especially if we begin to be more aware about the unconscious forces that drive us all the time.
Main Point 3
Can life really be seen like a game? Yes and no. You see, when you lose, you can restart a new game.
In online games you have several lives, and you can save the state, and restart from any saved state.
With life there is no guarantee. Apparently, live hasn’t been sold to us with a satisfied or refunded guarantee. Otherwise, people would more often ask for a refund 🙂
I want another one. (life). In my case, though I am really satisfied with my extraordinary life so far.
Reprogramming Details
Life and computers :
Can we program our lives the way a software has been “coded” as programmes say?
I really think, that to a certain extent, yes is the answer. But many things are not under our control.
Reprogramming feelings… Possible? Not really. But reprogramming what we do with them, maybe. One thing to understand is that feelings are usually related to needs not addressed.
Reprogramming the knowledge inside.
Knowledge is perhaps the one most important thing to build up upon. Memory, Discipline, Methods, Choice… What do you want to learn today? Maybe you like stories…
What is at stake?
Well, I think a difficult to resolve equation is at work. In fact there is one inside, and another one outside (… of myself, I mean aka your self, in fact)

Meet our Speakers

John-David Roth
I help Coaches and Consultants develop a new vision about themselves interacting with the world.

John-David Roth
I help Coaches and Consultants develop a new vision about themselves interacting with the world.

John-David Roth
I help Coaches and Consultants develop a new vision about themselves interacting with the world.
About Your Host
John-David Roth has seen many revolutions, that range from the first synthesizers, object orientation in computer programming, frequency modulation in sounds. He has developed a vision of the world that is true and unique.

Frequently Asked Questions
Which came first in your life? Questions or Exclamation?Expand
This is kind of a chicken and egg question.
Well, I will leave it to you to find the correct answer.Will you learn never seen before and interesting things here?Expand
I leave it to you to decide if they will be interesting, but never seen before, that is for sure, because I am the only one that has seen them, right now.